
US Policy Reversal At Odds With Global Mine Ban Consensus, PSALM/WVCBL Saddened By the Announcement

   February 2020 – The announcement by the United States reversing its policy stance on antipersonnel landmines, is a step backwards in the steady progress towards achieving a mine-free world. The new United States policy rolls back prohibitions on landmine production and use which it put in place in 2014. The new policy contrasts starkly with the US’ […]



BE THE CHANGE It is likely at some point that you have heard this saying attributed to Mahatma Gandhi. “You must be the change you wish to see in the world”. But what does it really mean? How can you be the change that you wish to see in the world? We all know that there […]


Toward a Landmine-Free World Conference Marks 20 Years of the Mine Ban Treaty

The Fourth Review Conference of the international Mine Ban Treaty opened in Oslo, Norway on November 25th, 2019. A total of 164 states have joined the treaty, committing to cease production, use, and transfer of antipersonnel mines, to destroy their stockpiles, clear mine-affected areas, and assist mine survivors. It is worth celebrating the significant steps states […]


LANDMINE MONITOR 2019- PSALM Students Concerned About Rising Casualties

  Mine Ban Success Only one state not party to the Mine Ban Treaty—Myanmar—and a small number of non-state armed groups used landmines in 2018 according to Landmine Monitor 2019. The findings point to the resounding success of the treaty since it entered into force 20 years ago and to the global stigma against use […]


PSALM Students Make Presentations at West Virginia University Global Health/ Maldives accedes to Convention on Cluster Munitions

      PSALM: Proud Students Against Landmines and Cluster Bombs /West Virginia Campaign to Ban Landmines and Cluster Bombs made presentations to the visiting public during Global Health Week at West Virginia University, October 14-18th. The program at West Virginia University is designed to promote, support, and encourage awareness of global health. PSALM students joined international […]


PSALM Students Celebrate the International Day of Peace

PSALM students celebrated the International Day of Peace by sponsoring a school-wide awareness event. Recognizing that disarmament is important in the process of peace-building, students met to discuss ways to raise awareness about landmines and cluster munitions, survivors issues and how to bring the United States aboard the treaties. Students sent press releases to publicize […]


The Ninth Meeting of States Parties (9MSP) of the Convention on Cluster Munitions

The Ninth Meeting of States Parties (9MSP) of the Convention on Cluster Munitions was held place from 2 to 4 September 2019 at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. PSALM/WVCBL has urged United States to send representation to this Meeting of States Parties. During the three-day meeting States noted the Convention’s success in globally stigmatizing cluster munitions and […]


August 1st Marks the 9th Anniversary of Entry into Force of the Convention on Cluster Munitions

The 2008 Convention on Cluster Munitions entered into force on 1 August 2010 and bans all use of cluster munitions as well as requiring clearance of cluster munitions remnants, destruction of stockpiles, and the provision of assistance for victims. Members of PSALM/WVCBL urge all countries, including the United States, to join the treaty, work towards clearance and […]


World Cup Soccer Inspires Children to Work for World Free of Landmines and Cluster Bombs

Every World Cup tournament inspires young people worldwide to be the soccer players/ footballers of tomorrow. Yet for those living in cluster munition, landmine and UXO contaminated countries, this dream remains a difficult reality.  A cluster munition, also known as a cluster bomb, is a weapon containing multiple explosive submunitions. Like landmines, these submunitions can […]



  The West Virginia Campaign to Ban Landmines and Cluster Munitions facilitated a series of exchanges on Mine Ban advocacy and youth, with ICBL-CMC Director Hector Guerra. On Tuesday, May 7, the Director joined WVCBL member, Dr. Larry Schwab for a discussion with Proud Students Against Land Mines and Cluster Munitions (PSALM). The group presented their […]