The Ninth Meeting of States Parties (9MSP) of the Convention on Cluster Munitions was held place from 2 to 4 September 2019 at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. PSALM/WVCBL has urged United States to send representation to this Meeting of States Parties.
During the three-day meeting States noted the Convention’s success in globally stigmatizing cluster munitions and preventing further civilian harm by these nefarious weapons, and the need to bring more countries on board immediately to achieve 130 States Parties by 2020 – a target set by States at the First Review Conference in 2015. States loudly condemned any use of cluster munitions, anywhere, by anyone. PSALM/WVCBL join in this condemnation of cluster munition use.
During the meeting, the 9MSP President, Aliyar Lebbe Abdul Azeez, officially handed over Presidency of the Convention to Swiss Ambassador, Félix Baumann. Switzerland will preside over the Convention’s Second Review Conference taking place in 2020.
The Cluster Munition Coalition thanks the outgoing Presidency for their stewardship, and welcomes working with the Swiss Presidency in preparation for the Review Conference.