
Stop Unethical Investments in Cluster Bombs! Global Day of Action, June 16, 2016

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A cluster bomb is a weapon that can contain up to several hundred small explosive bomblets. Dropped from the air or fired from the ground, cluster bombs break open in mid-air and scatter these bomblets over a wide area. Anyone within the strike zone is likely to be torn apart, no matter if they are military or civilian. Many bomblets fail to explode as intended, leaving behind huge quantities of de facto landmines which continue to kill for years, even decades after their use. Used in more than 30 countries, cluster bombs have killed and injured tens of thousands of civilians and devastated the livelihoods of countless more. Over 380 million bomblets were used in Cambodia, Lao PDR and Vietnam in the 1970s and many of these are still killing people today. In the past decade cluster bombs have been used in Albania, the former Yugoslavia, the DR Congo, Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Israel and Georgia.


In 2008 governments negotiated an international treaty, formally known as the Convention on Cluster Munitions, that bans the use, production, stockpiling and transfer of cluster bombs. It also prohibits all countries that have joined the Convention to assist anyone in any activity banned under the Convention, such as the production of cluster bombs. So far, around 100 countries have joined the Convention.


Cluster bombs continue to be produced in some countries that have not yet outlawed these weapons. Although countries that have signed the Convention must stop producing cluster bombs, some banks and other financial institutions in or from these countries continue to fund their production. This undermines the commitment these countries have made to ban these weapons and runs counter to their obligations under international law.

The 2008 Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM) was established to put an end for all time to the suffering and casualties caused by cluster munitions. By joining the convention, more than half the world has already committed to rid the world of this indiscriminate weapon and the number is growing. Yet cluster munitions continue to be produced in some states that have not yet outlawed these weapons. Although States Parties to the CCM must stop producing cluster munitions, some banks and other financial institutions in or from these states may continue to fund their production by investing in corporations that manufacture them elsewhere. This practice undermines the commitment these states have made to ban these weapons and runs counter to their obligations under international law. To ban a weapon because of the humanitarian harm they cause, but to still allow for investments in their production is not morally acceptable, and the CMC considers it is not legally permissible either. Article 1(1)(c) of the Convention on Cluster Munitions states: “Each State Party undertakes never under any circumstances to assist, encourage or induce anyone to engage in any activity prohibited to a State Party under this Convention.” The Cluster Munition Coalition (CMC) believes that the Convention on Cluster Munitions’ (CCM) prohibition on assistance in the development and production of cluster munitions includes a prohibition on investments in cluster munitions. States should explicitly acknowledge that the treaty prohibits investments in producers of cluster munitions and should install legislation that prohibits investments in companies that develop and/or produce cluster munitions or key components thereof. Campaigners around the world, including PSALM/WVCBL are engaging in the CMC Stop Explosive Investments campaign to stop investments in cluster munition producers. JOIN US!

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• Are you funding cluster bombs? Check whether your bank or pension fund is funding the production of the cluster bombs

• Contact banks and other financial institutions in your country that are funding cluster bomb production and ask them to: – Immediately disinvest from cluster bomb producers – Implement a comprehensive policy banning past and future investment in these weapons

• Contact your government and ask them to: – Join the Convention on Cluster Munitions – Pass comprehensive national legislation that includes a ban on investments in cluster bomb producers

• Contact parliamentarians and ask for their support to ban investments in cluster bomb producers

• Find out who’s taking action in your country and get involved For more information and to take action, go to:

In November, 2014, CMC member organization PAX (Netherlands) published the fifth update of the report ‘Worldwide Investments in Cluster Munitions: A shared responsibility’. In the report CMC member organization PAX (Netherlands) documents:

  • Financial institutions that are investing in cluster munitions producers
  • Financial institutions that have disinvested from cluster munition producers and established clear policies to prevent future investment in them
  • Other financial institutions that have taken positive steps towards fully disinvesting from cluster munition producers
  • Governments that have passed legislation banning investments in cluster munition producers
  • Governments that have issued statements interpreting the Convention on Cluster Munitions to ban investment in cluster munition producers.

Cluster bombs


  • · ‘Booming Business: British Bank and Cluster Bombs’ – Amnesty International UK (United Kingdom)

· ‘The cluster bomb feeling’ (Korean subtitles) – Weapon Zero (South Korea)

· Shameful Investments Video launch of the Stop Explosive Investments Campaign in London

· ‘2014 Video News Release: Stop Explosive Investments’ – CMC and PAX Video News Release (VNR) on the 2014 Global Day of Action to Stop Explosive Investments.

Report ‘Worldwide Investments in Cluster Munitions’ and related documents

Other reports and Fact Sheets