On November 18 and 19th, PSALM students presented their artistic installation, “THE ROAD TO OTTAWA: THE 20TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE MINE BAN TREATY”. PSALM artworks at the exhibit were inspired by the countries that “made it happen” and the continuing work to “finish the job” of a mine-free world. PSALM students acted as hosts and guides to the exhibit which depicts a visual timeline to the Ottawa Treaty.
One large scale artwork included the text of the treaty in various languages.
September 18, 2017 marked 20 years since the Mine Ban Treaty was adopted, when the international community agreed to end the scourge of landmines once and for all. Following the adoption, on December 3, 1997 the treaty was signed by 122 States; it entered into force on March 1, 1999. To date, 162 nations have formally joined the treaty.
The exhibit has been requested to be displayed in February 2018 at the Monongalia Arts Center in Morgantown, West Virginia.