
Thank You to Jimmy Carter

WVCBL/PSALM join the USCBL-USCMC to recognize Jimmy Carter’s support for a mine- and cluster munition-free world.

As President Jimmy Carter has entered hospice care and the world already begins to reflect on his life and legacy, the US Campaign to Ban Landmines – US Cluster Munition Coalition recognizes his support for a mine- and cluster munition-free world. In 1997, he encouraged the United States to join the effort to negotiate the Mine Ban Treaty and in a June Christian Science Monitor editorial stated that antipersonnel landmines “are morally repugnant and no longer will be tolerated” and that it “is time to take the remaining steps toward a total ban.” Two years later he commented on the fighting in the Balkans, arguing that “The United States’ insistence on the use of cluster bombs, designed to kill or maim humans, is condemned almost universally and brings discredit on our nation (as does our refusal to support a ban on land mines).”