The 2023 Intersessional Meetings took place from 19 to 21 June 2023 at the headquarters of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in Geneva with participation of hundreds of delegates representing States and international and non-governmental organisations which work towards a world free of anti-personnel mines.
Below you can find ICBL-CMC contributions from the 2023 Mine Ban Treaty Intersessional Meetings.
A full meeting programme, and background documents can be seen here.
Landmine survivor and advocate Selma Guso from Bosnia and Herzegovina, at the ICBL-CMC Mine Free World information hub. Guso provided opening remarks for the 2023 Intersessional Meetings.
ICBL-CMC Interventions
Statement by Gender and Diversity Working Group (w/ICBL-CMC participation)
ICBL-CMC Statement on Victim Assistance
ICBL-CMC Statement on Mine Risk Education
ICBL-CMC Statement on Clearance Obligations
ICBL-CMC Statement on Ukraine Extension Request
ICBL-CMC Statement on Compliance
ICBL-CMC Statement on Cooperation and Assistance
ICBL-CMC Statement on Risk Education