
Starfish Project

  The STARFISH STORY… Walking down a deserted beach after a storm, a man noticed someone in the distance. When he got closer, he saw a young child bend down, pick up an object from the sand and throw it into the ocean. The ritual was repeated over and over, time and again. As the […]


Global Action to Ban Cluster Bombs

“P.S.A.L.M.” (Proud Students Against Land Mines)/ West Virginia Campaign to Ban Landmines, having expanded our mission to include advocacy toward a prohibition on the use, production, and transfer of cluster munitions are sponsoring events to mark the Global Action to Ban Cluster Bombs. Our projects include: poster making, letter writing, petition drives for the People’s […]


“PSALM: Proud Students Against LandMines”

West Virginia Campaign to Ban Landmines began in 1999 as an art project to educate the public about a global social justice issue. Students designed a sculpture of 500 painted shoes with facts about landmines attached. The sculpture was placed in various community locations and eventually traveled, along with the students, to Washington, D.C. to […]